They just aired the story again at 10:00pm CT!...Very well done everyone!!!
just checking in to share the details of our local press conference!!
it turned out to be a handfull of us there, including: barbara and joe anderson, tatoomom, and myself.
all in all it went very well.... we didn't even have any dubs show up..... i guess they were on their mcdonald's break at the time!!
They just aired the story again at 10:00pm CT!...Very well done everyone!!!
i just read about farkels 1959 corvette he drove out in
that gave me an idea to start a thread for us gearheads (women included) who love hot rods and to brag about the ones they have/had!.
i owned two '66 chevy impala's one with 283 c.i.
I just read about Farkels 1959 Corvette he drove out in service....LOL. That gave me an idea to start a thread for us gearheads (women included) who love Hot Rods and to brag about the ones they have/had!
I owned two '66 Chevy Impala's one with 283 C.I. and 300 HP. The other one was a '66 Implala SS with 396 C.I. 450 HP. 4:11 gears dual feed 1150 CFM Holly with electric fuel pumps mounted in the trunk. Headers, slicks, T10 Tranny. Got in alot of trouble with this one!!..LOL
The last one I owned was a '84 Mustang GT. 5.0 Hatchback with hoodscoop and spoilers.
We raced on RTE 8 out of Waterbury,Ct towards Torrington after midnight. Also raced at Ct, Dragway in Colechester, Ct.
How 'bout it all you gearheads....start bragging....You too Farkel....I hope the Vette wasn't the only cool car you owned....LOL
do you remember how many people would buy a car, with service in mind?
i remember people talking about how not to buy a 2 door, because it is not as good for going out in service.
people would be looked down upon big time if they bought a sporty or compact car.
ROFLMAO at Farkel!!!!
I had a 1966 Chevy Impala SS 396 with 450 HP. 11.8 1/4 mile at CT. Dragway. Got 4 MPG!!!...LOL Never took it out in service!!
below is the press release submitted to the media in the los angeles area on the 3rd of september.
los angeles silentlambs press release.
sex abuse victims and advocates to deliver stuffed animal to local churches across america.
What a GIANT step forward to get the WTC to start thinking of the protection of the children within the congregations that they govern. They'll soon have no choice but to make stronger reforms.
Thanks for posting the article Cassiline!
do you remember how many people would buy a car, with service in mind?
i remember people talking about how not to buy a 2 door, because it is not as good for going out in service.
people would be looked down upon big time if they bought a sporty or compact car.
I don't believe it!!! I was going to start a thread about things that IRKED me. This was one of the things on my list...LOL. I remember being counseled everytime the Circuit Overseer came about having a two door car. I always bought large luxury two doors, Buick LaSabre, Olds Delta 88,Chevy Impala...etc.
When we met for service they would always ask who would drive. I always said...."I will"...They said..." You have the two door right?"...Well, we usually did not get to drive. Instead we had to go out into the parking lot and cram into a four door compact car that slammed everyone in like sardines..How comfy!!!
Another thing that Irked me was when Our Circuit Overseer came and got into our car, the first thing he did was turn on the radio to see what station we listened too...BIG lecture on how bad Rock was...AARRGGHH!!!!....More than one CO did this...must be on their list for things to do...LOL.
if u live in or around nashville please reply thru the post
Starbucks on Edmonson Pike is fine. Where is it? If anyone has directions from I-65 south from Galatin? Tink and I will be there at 4:30pm Sat the 7th. Sept. Look forward to meeting everyone.
i have always wondered why so many jws i knew suffered from the illness "m.e" previous to being a jw i never heard of this illness but when joining the borg i noticed noticed so many jws saying all of a sudden they had m.e maybe its a jw disease trend.
anyhow what does m.e stand for.. haujobbz
Hey Grits, I was originally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 16 years ago when it was still not determined what it was. When I went to Baptist Hosp here in Nashville, The Rhuematologist I saw had ruled out FM. He also could not definately diagnose Rhuematoid Arthritis, but he said he felt that because I responded to Steroids that it was an indication I "probably" have a Rhuematoidal illness. So he is treating me for Rhuematoid Arthriris. I've been managing OK. Each year I notice it gets progressively worse. Hope your doing OK.
well, despite some 'doom and gloom' predictions of our imminent demise, last week was the busiest ever for the site in terms of visits with just a few short of 52,000 beating even the dateline and panorama weeks !
(i think quite a few who found us then have stuck around).. a quick tally of the thread viewed counts shows that they have now been viewed over 9.5 million times !
(this is just threads, discounting all the other page views).
Simon, Ang & all those who help with this great forum. Thank You!!
well, i guess it is time to share my story with you all.
most of the recent events in my life i have already shared in bits and pieces throughout various threads here on the jwd.. i am 47 years old and have one sister who is 44. we grew up in a religously divided household.
my father was and still is a jw and my mother is still a devout bible student.
Hello Comf. We got married Sept 1st. 1996. YEP!!!! It's our anniversary!!! 6 years. I don't even remember much of my past. We are best friends with the added benifit of having many common experiences to draw from.
Thanks so much for everyones comments. We love this forum and have come to love and respect many, many of you great people!!!
i have always wondered why so many jws i knew suffered from the illness "m.e" previous to being a jw i never heard of this illness but when joining the borg i noticed noticed so many jws saying all of a sudden they had m.e maybe its a jw disease trend.
anyhow what does m.e stand for.. haujobbz
I missed this thread. I didn't recognize the illness. I read all about this and many other illnesses back when I became ill with an unexplained mallady that came on me over labor day holiday 17 years ago. I went through a drastic physical change overnight. Originally I thought I was experiencing heart problems as I had severe chest pains. Later I found out there was nothing wrong with my heart. I went to Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, Ma. Over a six month period I had 16 visits and they finally gave me the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. I went on suffering from pain, fatigue, lethargy, irratable bowl, everything under the sun. I was never put on anti-depressants but was given almost every anti-inflammatory drug on the market. Nothing helped. I stopped going to doctors about it and just lived with it. After I moved South and met Tink, she talked me into going to Baptist Hospital and trying it again with the doctors. I went to a Rhuematologist at Baptist in Nashville. He ran tests for Lupus, Rhuematoid Arthritis, and Lymes Disease all of which I had 10 years prior to this. The tests again were inconclusive. I had done my own reading and research at libraries to try and come up with some other clues on my own. I did not except the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia as the medical journal I looked it up in had, at the time, only a small paragraph on it. It basically said it was sore muscles and ligaments, well, damn I knew I had that. I found from my searching that the immune system is primarily the culprit for almost all diseases and unexplained disorders. Viruses, severe stress, and severe trauma will start the immune system into a syndrome called Auto-immune disease or disorder. The immune system, made up of white blood cells, antigens, and a primary steering mechanism the researches labeled as a "T" cell. The 'T" cell is supposed to steer your white blood cells to the germ or foriegn bodies in your system. It was explained that after the "T" cell attaches to the germ it makes itself look like the germ and the the antigens combine with it and thus draws the white blood cells to destroy it. When the "T" cell goes awry, it attaches itself to good body tissue and your own immune system attacks your own good body tissues. The resultant deseases they attribute this to are Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Garrigs (ALS), Lupus, Rhuematoid Arthritis and quite a few more that I do not remember right now.
I told the doctor at Baptist that I felt it was not a syndrome but something real and physical attacking my joints and muscles. After looking at my medical records that I had forwarded to him he asked me if I was ever treated with Steroids. I told him no. So at the time while I was visiting him, I was suffering so bad I couldn't drive and could not even get my shirt off for him to examine me. So he prescribed Prednizone and Naproxen (Naprocin). In two days I was like new. A drastic turn around. When I went back he said that it probably indicated I had some sort of Rhuematoidal illness but it was still in a stage of undetection, which he said sometimes occurs. He said he would treat me for Rhuematoid Arthiritis even though the tests were negative for it.
That was 5 years ago. I still take Prednizone only for bad flair-ups. Whenever the weather changes from a High pressure to a Low, the day before a storm comes, thats when I get the worst pain. The spring is the worst for me because the weather is constantly changing. I feel that doctors are limited, and can only diagnos something when it is obvious. When it is illusive they usually use "syndrome" or "dis-order" to describe it rather than call it what it really is, a disease. Stress is really bad. Many things cause stress and the WTS sure has it's share in inflicting stress on those who are caught up in it or who's lives have been destroyed by it. I feel that diseases like ME and CFS and others are real diseases that the medical and science fields have yet to pin-point. Hopefully they will in my lifetime and for the sake of others who suffer with these diseases that illude medicine.
This is my own personal opinion. I have a lot of articles somewhere in boxes. I'll try and find some of them and scan them for those who may be interested.